Information you can trust from the leading experts in womens health care. Patient education handouts previously called patient education slicks the following are reproducible patient education handouts available in pdf format.

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Educational handouts. Handouts with helpful information on how to cope with stress reactions worry anxiety or other psychological and emotional issues related to diagnosis illness injury surgery hospitalization or other medical trauma. 12 dose regimen for latent tb infection patient education brochure materials available in english spanish tagalog and vietnamese languages this brochure was developed for clinicians to use with patients while discussing the 12 dose regimen for the treatment of latent tb infection. Also they have high prevalence of high blood cholesterol.
Lactation education resources provides online lactation courses following the iblce blueprint designed to prepare students to sit for the iblce exam to achieve certification or recertification as lactation consultants. Introducing 40 educational handouts on using insulin low literacy and very low literacy versions available acu and the nurse practitioner healthcare foundation announce the release of 40 educational handouts for patients who are starting insulin. Chcs are encouraged to alter these patient education handouts in order to personalize them for each individual organization.
Patient education videos this website has videos on a number of cancer healthcare topics. These handouts may be reproduced for educational purposes only through the expiration date with credit granted to dce. Pelvic organ prolapse pev001.
This full color easy to read handout describes the risk factors prevention diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure. Hispanic populations have low control rates for hypertension a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Downloadable patient educational materials for kids and parents.
View our publications patient educational materials. To download pdfs you must have acrobat reader. To find handouts specific to your health needs type keywords into the search box above.
Latest news from acog. Patient education ebooks explore this digital library to see the electronic patient education books currently available. Most are available in both english and spanish and we hope they are a useful supplement to any materials you currently give patients.
Us health care professionals can get novo nordisk product information and videos product samples patient education materials and formulary coverage data.